Sunday, January 3, 2016

Sunday before Monday

Hi there,
Christmas Break has felt like a whirlwind, and it seems impossible that we'll already have to return to work tomorrow. How can 17 days pass by so quickly?! Nearly every day of the holiday was in the mid-70's and felt like we live in Florida. This morning I was so happy to see frost on the grass.

In #knittingnews, I finished a second CM Welted Cowl in Blue Sky sport weight baby alpaca in taupe (creamy oatmeal). Softest yarn ever, lightweight, drapey!

My daughter gets a kick out of my knitting labels, so I sewed one into each cowl using the blanket stitch.

my practice swatch

Far from perfect, but this is a new skill for me. I admired how @annshayne had sewn on her label to a blanket she made for a wedding gift. Isn't it lovely? My labels were purchased from Mountain Street Arts.

I was a 70's teenager and love the PEACE sign!

Family friend Alexa gifted me with the most delicious handmade sand & sea scrubs!

The aqua jar is lemon peppermint sea salt and the brown is vanilla latte sugar. They both smell so incredibly good. What a thoughtful gift for a knitter's hands (and body). I'm hoping she'll start selling these from her Travel Well Magazine website. You can also find her on twitter/instagram: @TravelWellMag.

Remember the Christmas Stocking InkJoy gift for 2014? This year's office supply stocking gift was the PaperMate InkJoy Stylus Pen in assorted colors!

Susan's family, Christmas 2015

I'm not one to make Resolutions, but I have set the goal for myself to try to knit every single day of 2016, even if it is only a stitch or two. That's easy to say when I am rested and relaxed, but we'll see how it goes once the daily grind gets going.

Steve has chosen the 2016 Word for us . . . whatever! (That's the word--WHATEVER--not my opinion of his word, lol.) That is going to be our response for life's absurd, irritating, annoying moments. Wish us luck!

Happy New Year, and thank you for taking the time to stop by here!

xoxo Tammy 


  1. Hurray for finishing your taupe welted cowl!
    Now, about the Sunday before guessed it....WHATEVER 😉

  2. I remember well how quickly the school breaks pass.

    The cowls are lovely, as are your labels. I hope you are able to knit a bit everyday.

  3. Happy New year! I can't believe today was Monday and vacation is over, although it was a good day.
    I love the peace sign too!
    And your labels, thanks so much for the link!

  4. that is a goal that I love!! you can do that :) lovely cowls and I love the tags you've put in them. I have tags and yet never sew them in...I must!!


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